Monday, February 27, 2012


People always remember who kicked them when the were down and who helped them to get back up again!   Pay it forward, people!

ATTENTION ALL CUSTOMERS SEEKING WINTER:  Due to global warming, the Mayan calendar and / or possibly Armageddon we have been forced to accept the unfortunate cancellation of Winter!  We have started packing away the ice melt and ordering the mulch and seed, so according to Confucius, Winter is sure to return any day now!  Rest assured that we stand ready to undo everything we just did, should that elusive snow cloud make its way over us.

However, we are currently working on season renewals and anyone who was signed up for reoccurring services last year, should be getting a call this week from Tom or Brandi.  Thanks to the mobile revolution, (I'm guessing THAT'S what took Winter!), we can now access your signature and payment over the phone and via text so we can set you up for the next season (whatever it may be), quickly over the phone if you so desire.  We are also setting appointments with anyone who wishes to change, alter, add to or just review last year's contract.  We are happy to set an appointment and meet with you concerning any questions, concerns or new projects that you may have in mind.  NOW is a GREAT time, as the schedule is open and the ground isn't frozen, so by all means, let is be SPRING....some more!  Get a jump on the Spring rush and the possible Summer snow storm and CALL or VISIT US ONLINE to get on the schedule NOW!

WE HAVE GREAT NEWS FOR RETURNING CUSTOMERS:  In addition to our NEW VIP, GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE popular bundled service programs for residential clients, we have also opened our new Online Client Payment Portal and Service Center!  If you are in our system, then you already have a username and password.  Just CALL or E-MAIL Brandi or Tom, and within 24 hours, you'll receive the link with your personalized information.  With that, you can log-in from our home page (links below).  The portal will make paying your bill, viewing your account or requesting estimates or services a SNAP!  Also, by creating and submitting a "ticket" for a service or estimate from the portal, you're being dropped DIRECTLY INTO OUR DAILY CALENDAR!  Talk about current customers having scheduling priorities!  Our loyal, long-term customers deserve to have the green carpet grown out in front of them and we are thrilled to be the ones for the job ... again!

Thanks so much to our valued clientele - we look forward to growing with you this season, and can't wait to see what the next seasonal change will bring us's certain to be a good ride!

More new features and "seasonal changes" will be announced this week, so follow this blog, our Facebook page, Twitter or Linked In accounts to keep up to date with the new and exciting features we are working hard to bring you this season!  Our customer's convenience is one of our top priorities and we can't wait to make your life a little easier!

or call the office at 410-451-4235
You can also E-MAIL Tom or Brandi at:

IS YOUR  SMALL BUSINESS STRONG???  No matter your answer, we KNOW that ALL small business owners surviving in today's economy are!  Check back often this season, so see what SMALL BUSINESS STRONG can strengthen in YOU!!!  More information coming soon.

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