Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Encouraging Participation

"Inspiration comes from within, but execution requires other people."  ~ Harvey Mackay

"Leadership rises and falls on communication.  The best leaders listen, invite and then encourage participation."
~ John C. Maxwell

As parents, we encourage participation from our children in everything from sports teams to class discussions.  As business owners, we encourage participation in the form of input or reviews from our customers.  As bosses, we encourage participation on multiple fronts from our employees.  As new age social media marketers, we encourage participation on every interactive, social site we visit (or create).  In the real day to day part of life, we encourage participation from everyone we touch for the real life benefit to others!

When you find a cause that speaks to you, you just instantly "know".  We "knew" that Green Care for Troops was one of those causes the minute we were introduced, and we couldn't sign up fast enough!

This dynamic movement, through Project Evergreen, links lawn service companies with local military families who have a spouse that has already or will be deploying soon.  It's up to each company what they can & want to contribute along the lines of service.

I needed only put myself in the shoes of a young mother whose spouse would be gone for months on end, and remember what it was like when my children were younger for even their father to be late getting home for the day - dangerous proposition when Mom needs a break!  I have a hard time imagining it, and in all fairness, so would my children! Few things give me as much joy, as announcing to an overwhelmed or nervous parent, that at least one of their responsibilities will be taken care of....gone....off the proverbial overloaded plate!  It's a great feeling for us both, and I can always identify with the relief in her voice.

For the past 5 years, Seasonal Changes has participated in the program, sponsoring 2 local families.  What services to offer was a no-brainer.....everything I would need if it were me.  The weekly mowing services, leaf clean ups to ready the lawn for Winter and of course....someone to shovel the walks and plow the driveway after it snows.

This season, we have extended our sponsor families to three, and have just filled our third spot.  While we would love to service everyone that calls and asks, being a business, that's just not possible, but what we CAN continue to do is to ENCOURAGE PARTICIPATION from the other local companies who could make a difference to a service family, and so we shall!

If you are, or know of a local company with the capabilities to "serve them while they serve us", challenge them to sign up today!  Click on the image above for more information.

God Bless each and every family sacrificing for our country!

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